Vein Treatments
Serenity Medspa is equipped to effectively treat superficial spider veins (teleangectasia). We use sclerotherapy on the legs and a Cutera 1064 YAG laser for veins on the face. Call/text for more information to see if your veins are a candidate for treatment.

Sclerotherapy is much easier than it sounds! We inject a solution very superficially (we promise it's not that bad!) that breaks down and fades/dissolves the vein. Multiple treatments may be required to achieve the desired results.
Sclerotherapy should not be done before or after sun exposure to the treated area. There are no limitations after the treatment except for limited sun exposure, no high impact exercise for 24 hours and no flying for 48 hours (in certain cases). Please do not apply lotion to the legs the day of the procedure. Also stop any blood thinning medications or supplements that can be SAFELY stopped (please check with prescribing doctor) such as Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, Flax Seed, Fish Oil, Aspirin, Alcohol (especially red wine) or prescription blood thinners several days before your treatment.
Give us a call or text to see if your veins are a good candidate for sclerotherapy!
30 minutes $300 (minimum)
60 minutes $450
Laser Veins
Laser is a wonderful solution to spider veins on the face and chest. Laser can also be used to treat the little red "dots" call hemangiomas that appear throughout the body. Laser can cause irritation to the skin that results in some red or grey temporary markings. Sometimes there is absolutely no downtime. It depends on the settings we need to use to eliminate the veins. May require more than one treatment to achieve the desired results.
After a laser vein treatment the area should be free of irritation so no exfoliating scrubs, acids, scrubbing devices or steam. The area should be well covered with sun screen.
30 minutes $300 (minimum)
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